Group Members

School of Engineering
Institute for Materials & Processes
The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH9 3DW, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 (0)131-650-7793
Dr. Harvey Yi Huang
Reader of Materials Chemistry and Engineering (Google Scholar Citations: >5670; h-index: 30)
Editor of Separation and Purification Technology (IF: 8.1) and Results in Engineering (2023 IF: 6.0)
Editorial Board of Green Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 9.1); Sustainability (IF: 3.3), Cambridge Prisms: Carbon Technologies (Cambridge University Press), Advanced Membranes (CiteScore 11.1), Frontiers of Chemical Engineering (IF: 2.5)
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (advisor: Prof Huanting Wang), 2007-2011
Graduate staff at CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia (advisor: Dr Anita J Hill), 2009-2011
Study abroad at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, United States (advisor: Prof Michael Tsapatsis), 2010-2011
B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering and Technology and Adv. Dip. in Economics (Dual-Degree Program), Harbin Engineering University, 2002-2006
Postdoctoral Training:
Georgia Institute of Technology (with Profs Krista Walton & David Sholl, 09/2015-06/2017)
The University of South Carolina (with Prof Miao Yu, 03/2013-05/2015)
The University of Oklahoma (with Prof Daniel Resasco, 03/2011-03/2013)
Chemical Reaction Engineering 4/MSc (CHEE10008/PGEE10025) - Course Organiser
Chemical Engineering Design: Projects 4 (CHEE10002) - Project Supervision
- Chemical Engineering Laboratory 3 (CHEE09016) - Course Instructor
Chemical Engineering Study Project 4 (CHEE10009) - Project Supervision
Chemical Engineering Industrial Project 5 (CHEE11014) - Project Supervision
Chemical Engineering Research Project 5 (CHEE11017) - Project Supervision
Advanced Chemical Engineering Dissertation (MSc) (PGEE11151) - Project Supervision
Research Interests:
Nanofabrication of porous & 2D materials and study of their growth/crystallization mechanisms;
Adsorption and membrane materials; ultrathin membranes/films/coatings; Graphene oxide
Gas storage and separation; drinking water purification; wastewater treatment and desalination;
Catalytic bio-oil upgrading;
Novel controlled delivery systems for small drug delivery
Lab Technician (Nanomaterials Labs)

Mr Fergus Dingwall
Technician (started on 01/05/2018)
Awards: Winner of Scottish Government postgraduate scholarship 2014
01/01/2016-01/05/2018 Senior Assistant Scientist, Bioanalysis, Charles River Laboratories
01/09/2014-01/09/2015 MSc Instrumental and Analytical Sciences, Robert Gordon University (with Distinction)
01/08/2009-01/08/2014 Practicing Pharmacist, Edinburgh and Aberdeenshire
01/09/2004-01/05/2008 Masters in Pharmacy, Robert Gordon University
Current Postdocs

Dr Allana Lewis
Postdoctoral Research Associate and Group Manager
09/2018-09/2022 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
07/2015-07/2018 BSc in Chemistry, the University of the West of Scotland (First-Class Honours)
Research Interests
Advanced Hierarchical Nanostructures: Rational Design for Sustainable Adsorption and Separation

Dr Nurul Ain Binti Mazlan
Postdoctoral Research Associate and Group Co-manager
2020-2024 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
2015-2018 MSc, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
2011-2015 BSc in Industrial Chemical Technology (with First Class), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Research Interests
Novel nanostructured materials for distinguishing molecules and ions with a small size difference
PhD Students

Mr Zheng Chen
PhD Candidate (started on 01/10/2020)
From 10/2020 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2018-09/2019 MRes in Green Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London
08/2016-06/2018 BSc in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield
Research Interests
Design, fabrication and modification of nanostructured materials for VOCs adsorption

Ms Siyu (Suzanna) Chen
PhD Candidate (started on 01/01/2022)
Awards: Industrial and UoE PhD Scholarships
From 01/2022 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
10/2020-09/2021 MSc in Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
09/2017-06/2020 BEng in Chemical Engineering, Department of Engineering, Lancaster University (First-Class Honours)
Research Interests
Sustainable Lithium Mining and Recycling using Membrane Technology

Mr Hongyuan Zhang
PhD Candidate (starts on 01/01/2022)
From 01/01/2022 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2020-09/2021 MSc in Material Chemistry, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
08/2014-06/2018 BSc in Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Harbin Engineering University
Research Interests
Hierarchical nanofabrication of smart and functional materials for energy-efficient separations

Ms Shiqing Zhang
PhD Candidate (started on 01/10/2023)
From 01/10/2023 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2022-06/2023 MSc in Energy and Environment, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hongkong
08/2016-06/2020 BSc in Environmental Science, Department of Chemical Engineering and Environment, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Research Interests
Graphene-Based Surface Nanocomposite Coatings for Antimicrobial Applications

Mr Yaohao Yang
PhD Candidate (started on 01/10/2023)
From 01/10/2023 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2022-06/2023 MSc in Energy and Environment, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hongkong
08/2016-06/2020 BSc in Chemical Engineering and Technology, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao
Research Interests
Two-dimensional Composite Materials for Highly Stable and Robust Coatings

Ms Mengting Di
Visiting PhD Candidate
From 10/05/2024 4th-year PhD candidate originally enrolled at Dalian University of Technology, China
Research Interests
Preparation of continuous and defect-free COFs membranes for Li/Mg separation

Ms Xueying Zhang
PhD Candidate (started on 01/11/2024)
From 01/11/2024 PhD, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2023-06/2024 MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
09/2019-06/2023 BEng in Chemical Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (First-Class Honours)
Research Interests
Chiral Drug separation using adsorption and membrane technologies

Mr Xuanyu Zhou
PhD Candidate (started on 01/12/2024)
From 01/12/2024 PhD, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2023-08/2024 MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering, University of Edinburgh
08/2016-06/2020 BEng in Energy and Environment, Hebei University of Technology
Research Interests
Two-dimensional Composite Materials for Oil/Water Separation

Mr Peng Zou
MSc (started on 11/2024)
From 11/2024 MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering, University of Edinburgh
08/2016-06/2020 BEng in Chemical Engineering
Research Interests
Synthesis of Metal-organic monoacid frameworks (ZOmAFs) membranes and coatings
Past Group Members

Dr Rajakumari Krishnamoorthi
Postdoc (14/08/2022-01/02/2024)
02/2019-01/2022 PhD National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
07/2013-04/2016 M. Sc. Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India
07/2013-04/2016 BSc in Chemistry, Periyar EVR College (Bharadhidasan University), Tiruchirappalli, India
Research Interests
Fabrication and Surface modification of membrane for water purification and drug delivery
Synthesis of covalent organic framework synthesis and polymer composites

Dr Fraz Saeed Butt
(started on 1st Nov. 2018; graduate on 17/01/2024)
Awards: scholarships from HEC and UoE
10/2018-01/2024 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2014-09/2018 Lecturer (Research Associate), Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pakistan)
04/2011-07/2014 M.Sc Chemical and Energy Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke Universität (Germany)
12/2005-05/2010 B.Sc Chemical Engineering (UK First Class equivalent), University of the Punjab (Pakistan)
Research Interests
Ultrathin Nanostructured Membranes for Efficient Gas Separation

Dr Ting Chen, (01/08/2018 - 09/2022); Now a Postdoc at the National University of Singapore (NUS)
PhD Awards: Principal's Career Development PhD Scholarship and Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship
08/2018-09/2021 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2015-06/2018 Master in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University
09/2011-06/2015 B.Eng in Applied Chemistry (UK First Class equivalent), Southwest Petroleum University
PhD Thesis
Bioinspired Materials and Membranes for Energy-Efficient Liquid Separation

Mr John Papaspiliou
Master (MEng), joined in Nov 2018
10/2016-06/2019 Master (enrolled) in Chemical Engineering, the University of Edinburgh
Research Interests
Direct Air Capture of CO2 Using Supported Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets Sorbents

Mr Duncan Morin
Master (MEng), joined in Oct 2020
09/2016-07/2021 MEng in Chemical Engineering, the University of Edinburgh
Research Interests
Design, fabrication and modification of two-dimensional materials for oil/water separation
Mussel-inspired chemistry in membrane design for liquid-liquid separation

Ms Yue (Chloe) Zhang
Master (MSc), joined in Nov 2018
11/2018-08/2019 Master (enrolled) in Chemical Engineering, the University of Edinburgh
Research Interests
Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheet Membranes for CO2 Capture

Mr Kyle Mallon (06/2018 - 08/2019)
Undergraduate student
The University of Edinburgh
Research Interests
Biomimetic Materials for Efficient Oil/Water Separation

Ms Jing Song
MSc (09/2023 - 09/2024)
09/2023-09/2024 MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
08/2016-06/2020 BEng in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Dankook University
Research Interests
Sustainable Lithium Mining and Recycling using Membrane Technology
Past Visitors

Prof. Hui Wang (visitor-10/2018)
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Research Interests
Catalytic Reforming of Green House Gases (GHG)
Hydrogen Recovery Technologies from H2S
Atomic Effective Catalysis Research

Mr Abhijit Wickramasinghe
Master (visiting), joined in Feb 2019
02/2019-09/2019 Visting Master Student, the University of Edinburgh
09/2016-09/2019 MSc in Nano-Materials Science, Utrecht University (Netherlands)
Research Interests
Ultrathin MOFs (Metal-Organic Frameworks) Membrane
Zeolite Nanosheets

Ms Tamara Matic (05/2018 - 08/2018)
Visiting Postgraduate student
2017-Now Master in Material Engineering, University of Belgrade
2013-2017 BSc Hons in Chemical Engineering (UK First Class equivalent), University of Belgrade
Research Interests
Ultrathin Membranes Composed of 2D Materials

Mr Zhipeng Chen (03/2018 - 09/2018)
Visiting Scholar, joined in Mar 2018
09/2016-Present Master (enrolled) in Chemical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology
09/2012-06/2012 B.Eng in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
Research Interests
Hierarchically structured zeolites for efficient catalytic reactions
Ultrathin MOFs (Metal-Organic Frameworks) Membranes

Dr Xiuming Wei
PhD Candidate (started on 02/09/2019, graduate on 19/04/2024)
Awards: Principal's Career Development PhD Scholarship and Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship
From 09/2019 PhD in Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
09/2017-06/2018 MSc in Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London
09/2013-07/2017 BSc in Environmental Science (UK First Class equivalent), Beijing Normal University
Research Interests
Rational Design and Synthesis of Metal-organic Frameworks and Their Composite Materials with Tunable Structural Properties and Enhanced Chemical Stability